Leirojlaplap Atama Zedkeia
Majuro Mejen Armij ro ilo Honolulu visited Leiroijlaplap Atama Zedkeia.
On August 16, 2002, Friday night around 6:00 pm Honolulu time, many landowners and people who consider themselves as Majuro permanent resident gathered together at one of the U.S. military courtesy building to entertained at Pearl Harbor. MAJURO people visited their Leirojlaplap Atama Zedkeia. As part of the custom, this was the first event occured in Honolulu by the Majuro people who are residing in Honolulu, Hawaii.
It was a great night according to Mr. Pius Henry - the outcome came to be so fantastic an unexpected numbers of participants came. It was a surprised to the Leiroj who did not expected that bunch of people, she said there were many people to see and shared the good time. She thought there are not as many people from Majuro Atoll resided here in Honolulu. She only think that most of the popluation went ot Arkansas but as a matter of fact, there are still lots of them here in Honolulu not counting the outer island of state of Hawaii.