The distance from Majuro, the Capitol of the Republic of Marshall Islands located in the southwest, to Honolulu in the east is 2,136 miles, and to Tokyo to the north west is 2,300 miles. The Capitol of the former Trust Territory, Northern Marinas, lies 2,014 miles to the west. Average rainfall in Majuro is 132 inches (or 335.3 cm) Typically the northern atolls receive a lesser rainfall than those in the South.
Majuro lagoon in the early 1970's that you could fish or "ILARAK" in the lagoon and filled up your small outboard boat, i.e. about 6 by 12 boat with skipjack within such the lagoon of Majuro Atoll. As compare to 1990 until the new millennium, it seems like long liner cruisers in the lagoon could not able to bring almost around 500 lb. from the lagoon. Population had dramatically change the house for the school of tuna, skipjack and others. It's very rare to get something from this lagoon anymore, in terms of "ILARAK".Times changes and environment change as well. (Majuro Online)
From the 29 atolls and 5 islands, Majuro is part of this number that share the total approximately 1,225, spread over a sea area of 750,000 square miles. The total land area is 75 square miles, where Majuro Atoll consist on the following figures below:
Lagoon area 113.92 square miles
Land area 3.75 square miles
Population as of 1988 Census datas: 19,664
Households : 2,228
Density : 5,244 persons/sq. mile
Estimation is base on your accurate calculation. Latest datas of Census 2000 available at the Planning and Statistics Office at the MAKO Building in Delap.