February 22, 2002
Car-tastrophe - Drunk driver jailed for hit and run, girl rushed to Hawaii
A tragic, drunk-driving accident in Majuro late last week sent a Marshall Islands High School students to Honolulu for emergency surgery and the driver to jail for a year. Driver Moront Rikon plead guilty in the High Court on Tuesday to recless driving, under th influence of alcholol and leaving the scene of an accident and was sentence to one year in jail. He had been held in jail since the accident occured Thursday morning along the backroad of Rita. According to Police, Riklon was driving toward the end of Rita (North) around 8 am Thursday. As a group of five MIHS students (girls) were walking toward school on the oceanside of the road facing the vhicle Riklon was driving, he began to pull off the road and slow down, leadingthe girls to assume he was intending to park on the side of the road, per the police. Instead he sped up, hitting one of the five girls who tossed over and off the vehicle but fortunted uninjured. A secong one was struck and her leg jammed on the wheel and unable to free herself. Vehicle proceed with the girl screaming on the wheel as the Driver continued the unstoppable vhicle. People were screaming following the vehicle but could not stop it. It was stop by a taxi driver who block Rikon's way in the middle of the road. The tire was removed from the vehicle and neighbors lifted the vheicle to dislodged the girl from the car and rush her to Majuro Hosptial. The girl was evacuated on Monday on Continental flight to Honolulu to save her leg. Rikon's appeared to be drunk and his car got three cans of beer inside. Charged with aggrevated assault and will face 1 year in prison and 6 months community services after his year term and license suspended for 6 months. (M.I.J. Front page )

February 22, 2002
Kendall outlines improvements - During Mondays' Education Week opening program, Education Minister Kendall highligted several initiatives that the Ministry is taking to implement its "No child left behind" policy. He said there are four major efforts inderway to improve public education in the RMI:
1. AA degree for all teachers program
2. more scolarships for in training for teachers
3. increase efforts for parents and communities involvement in public school.
4. Better pay for qualified teacher argue with PSC
A new development for this year is that teacher are now being required to show ther diplomas, certificates, or degrees to their school's PTA, he said. In addition, the Ministry is looking at establishing "local atoll school boards" to supervise the schools with the support of both the Ministry and the PSC.
February 15, 2002
 Bank of Hawaii closedown - It just may be that in the near future, you'll be doing banking in Majuro with the Aussie twan or a Kiwi twattle responding to you as you slip your withdrawl request across the counter of what now serves as the Bank of Hawaii's Majuro presence in the broad Pacific region. Yes, Bank of Hawaii is pulling the plug here in Majuro, as well as other locations in the wider region as a tightening exercise aimed stockholder equity. But the Bank's withdrawal, while a worry locally for both staff and customers does not necessarliy mean a curtailing of options for those involved, since speculation is rife that at least one bank is negotiating a takeover of the Bank of Hawaii's operation here...
Don't afraid of the Aussie...they have the same attitude as the people from BOH...same ethnic background and same way they treat distribution of $$$ sign. Different dialogue but same way of procedures in dealing with money as the way BOH used to do. You got money you can borrow, No money! pull the plug out and leave...afraid that Compact II will funded ?????? "
Jokumkum ! Kin an BOH ko jen kij! Ejela ke enaj drik Money next compact ke, ak emaron ejjelok compact? Ke ta? Ewi jokjok in Compact ne kin?
 RMI, FSM and Palau- The ceremonial signing of the agreement on the Cooperation in Fisheries and Law Enforcement, by RMI Minister of Justice Witten T. Phillipo, FSM Secretary to the Departement of Justice Paul E. MeIlrath and Palau Minister of Justice Michael J Rosenthal took place last week. After the initial idea for the tri-lateral agreement was envisioned back in 1992 ...
February 08, 2002
 Adoption restraining order: In an unprecendeted move, High Court Chief Justice Charles Henry issued a restraining order last week against eight Marshallese infants and children leaving the RMI for adoption in the United States. The child Justice's action came in response to trial assistant Ruben R. Zackhras filing a motion to withdraw the adoption petitions, which were filed with the High Court last year, for six American families to adopt the eight local children. Zackhras' motion followed several days after Henry had rejected the first proposed adoption in this group of seven American families who were represented by Zackhras and Legacy International Adoption of UTHA. ...
 $1million for referrals: Nitijel staves off medical off medical disaster :The RMI government last week agreed to kick in $1 million to pay off a portion of its bills to several Honolulu hospitals, according to Health Minister Aliven Jacklick. The payment follows an ultimatum from HPMR, the Honolulu based third party administrator of the RMI's medical referral program, that with more than $5 million due, it had to receive at least $1million or HPMR would terminate its services. Jacklick says that the program is not going to be cease and government would continue to provie money if necessary to fund the program. Two main problems Jacklick identified that caused the multimillion dollar annual payments for medical refferals are: 1. Political referrals- he says RMI government got the message that "no more political referral" and 2. Supplemental Health Program - has too few subcribers to be sustainable. If the number of subscribers was about 1,000 it would be possible for the program to be self supportive on the fees that individuals pay above the normal seven percent health fund payroll deduction. He says, the number of subscribers is about 200. MISSA Board shifted of the fund to MOH is a wise decision says the Minister. He admird the Board for the decision. "Its a good decision" says Aliven. The Ministry is rady to assume responsibility for it, he added. MOH will speed up process for getting orders and payments processed thru the bureaucracy by keeping it all within the Ministry.
I hope the 200 subscribers are all mostly members of the Nitijela to promote the Health Fund and the Supplement Plan. As a matter of fact, the premium is 4 times the minimum wage and it is not very attractirve to low income family but what if the government would subsidize and make sure private sectors enroll all their employees, would'nt be a better outcome that would help promoting this system and reduce "political referral" unless if the the case is severe and costly then government can find other ways to do political decision. But no way you could stop "PR" unless if the custom is gone especially constituient. Another thing is "VERIFICATION, REVIEW , AND RE-EVALUATION OF BILLINGS" WITHIN OUR OFF ISLANDS BILLING SHOULD BE VERIFY BY ONE OF OUR CERTIFIED CASE MANAGER FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. Do we have someone with this kind of capabliity/SKILL checking our billings and discounts given to us on our "Government behalf" as and entity respectively by the Hospitals in Honolulu to the third party who is dealing and managing our Health Fund. There are sometimes Sales season like christmas times, etc...Somes fixed rate could be change depend on incoming and seasoning...anyway, please do more or find more for better OUTCOME to safeguard the Health Fund of all RMI citizens initiated by OUR LATE AMATA KABUA...As long as we CITIZENS contribute to this fund "IT WON'T STOP'' BUT MAKE SURE THE BASIC REFERRAL SHALL NO MORE "PR" 2002 MARCH and so on. ALL HIGH OFFICIALS (HIGH SALARY EMPLOYEES) OF THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BUY SUPPLEMENT PLAN AND DONT DEPEND ON BASIC ANYMORE... BASIC HEALTH FUND FOR SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENTS, AND CRITICAL AND COMPLICATED CASE THAT CAN'T BE TREATRED BY OUR PHYSICIANS...THIS CAN BE MANDATE IF WE'RE TRULY CARE OF THE POOR...
 Majuro says "Konnichiwa" The town of Majuro this Monday rsounded to the sound of "konnichiwa" as the 350 passengers off the luxury cruise ship Asuka strolled around the the downtown area for the day. RRE and MIVA organized the land, lagoon, land air tours and visits to restaurants for the thorists. In the RRE hotesl gounds stall were set up promoting and selling local handicrafts and pearls. RRE boss Ramsey Reimers was very impressed of the outcome of the day but believed that handicrafts sale would have been better. "We need more aggresive sales people," says RR. The tourists were educated about Marshall Islands while aboard Asuka, but not about the products that the RMI have to offer, says RR. MIVA outcome of the visitors: 1) Handicrafts : $4,327.00 2) Port Authority $4,877.00 3)Custom$450.00 4)R&D $28.65 5) Others =$7,300 Estimated revenues : $18,000.00 in one day. Wow! Not bad!
 Airlines look for a new place to land: United States military plan to decommission Johnston Islands runway is creating hassels for international carriers flying the Pacific to Hawaii in twin engine aircraft, aviation sources told the French news agency AFP earlier this week. As Johston shuts down, other airlines are considering Majur as a possible alternative, the news agency said...
Ejja ta eo kar ba lok mokta lok ilo January eo ke kio ebwe an naj Majuro Atoll komman maak elane ekun bij eo ilo Johnston Island. Kio Malgov ebojak in bok ijo an ne mool men kein. Ke ta Ministry of T and C ebojak kadredre in bok leen.
February 01, 2002
 Families' cases delayed - A group of six American families arrived in Majuro last week expecting their adoptions to move throught the High Court. All, however, were delayed because the court required home study of the Marshall families involved had yet to be completed. One was completed Friday, another went for heaing Monday this week. no dates were schedulted for the others as of Tuesday. They never should have come (to the RMI) before the court signed a certificate of readiness, " said Chief Justice Charles Henry " No one should come before they see a certificate of readiness." He said that the court issued a " cerfiicate of readiness" indicating that the matter is ready for hearing before the court. All of the six adoptions that were delayed last week were handled by Legacy Internatioanl Adoptions of Utah, with trial assitant Senator Ruben R. Zackhras handling the legal work locally.
Ebwe an kabokbok manit kab kien elaptata ke kio ejako kilen ad komakitkit manit ikkijien kajiriri nan ro jejjab lukkun jela kajjier im jej ba Dri-Belle. Jen lor wot ial eo emman nan aolep ro rokonan kajiriri im ro rokonan aje. Jenaj et ke this is life.
 177 program mercy flight rushes Kili infant to Majuro - A baby born eight weeks premature was flown from Kili Islands to Majuro last week in a successful bid to ensure her survival. The birth of tiny Regina Ankeid Arisen coincided with the routine 177 Health Plan clinic that takes place on Kili every three months. Regina arrived while her mother Nelani was on her way to the clinic and was born "limp and not breathing" said 177 Dr. Roblyn McIntyre. She weight a tiny fourn pounds, three ounces. Health Assistant Ruben Kobaia and midwife Helen Kobaia worked with McIntyre. Senior Health Assistant Maika Leviticus and Public Health Charlotte Makororo resusciate the baby. Rubon gave mouth to mouth and few minutes later the baby breath. AMI was on time to pick up the baby transported to main hospital in Majuro Atoll for further treatment.
Lale mok ke ebwe an lab an (Rubon Kobaia) brother in law eo an President Kessai Note kate ilo jerbal kein an ion Kili im ro jet mottan ilo Kili Health Center. Charlotte Makroro nejin Senator Ismael John im Maika Leviticuz mwomwo in Kili elap ad nebar jerbal emanmon eo kom ar komane nan ninin in em komean ar lomoren. Jej tomak Administration eo ilo Majuro Hospital enaj komman jet bonus ak nebar ko ejjab to jen ran eo. Good Luck to you all.
January 2002 news
Eokwe bar kakememej bwe "kadok ej jab mottan kattor" - komaron iuwe ako kwon jab kattor. Find a designated driver who don't drink as well. Majuro is a victim of this kind of nature.
Jejaje eteke elab lok an ikwitkwit lok an bobojrakrak program in an MISSA im HPMR ke jelak lale elab $$$ rej itok aolep iio nan HPMR im elap an RMI MISSA collect tax jen business sector im government ako eteke ejab bojrak problem kein ke enanin 2003 ako ejjanin lon okotak im improvement jen ke jar ron kin accountability.
Majuro Online
Professor Beverly Keever jen UH ej ba einwot emaron emman ne enaj bok juon ian class ko an ilo UH im ren aolep emakit lok nan Majuro ak Ebeje im lale jokjok in an Amedka kottori kakien ko an ilo lal ko ilikin. Kokomelmel in Nuclear bomb ak missle kein rokadrik kakure mour ilo jukjuk in bed kein im manit/kilen mour ko aer. Ekkar nan uak ak bokloket eo an B.Keever ej ba ellukun tomak class in eaikwij in komman einwot lemnake im ej kotomene ke emaron tobrak ak ej reimanlok wot nan an naj lolok ijokein ilo 2003/04(ne enaj tobrak).
Majuro Online
Jarjar in uak eo nan armij in Mili kin kolla ko an Bata eo an lal in kein karuo (WWII) ej tellokin wot Congress eo an Amedka ejjab ilo ad naj liake manlok kien eo an Dri Japan nan court. Alee Alik ear boktok nan Journal eo copy in kar juon resolution eo ilo 1991 nan kar kajjitoklok ibben kien eo an Amedka nan aer bar kommane juon commission in komman claim ko nan kommane jet kakobaba in cliam ko rar likjab." Enein ej uak eo nan armij in Mili, " ekkar nan Alee Alik, ej ba resolution eo ear mour ijowotke kien ear kowaanne im jab komman jabrewot men kake.... Lale mok ke kaine en kar wor an claim en kar bar jeraman im bok leen jen jorren ko jen budrej, armij, im mweik ko jen ro drejintenburo ibbeir ak itok wot jen menne kabanban nan er jen jet ian rane ejjelok jiban ibbeir ekoman bwe en ejjelok wonmanlok im jerraman nan kij...ilo an resolution in kiki bajjok im ejjelok en ej lolorjake
Majuro Online
Jeraman nan armij in Ebeye kin naj Hospital in ekal enaj kebelok ilo January 29, 2002. Enaj etal jet takto ro jen Tripler im jet ro rokabel ko aer ejeja kin ejmour im ro rejola kotobalbal iloan Hospital ko nan naj jiban ilo ien in enaj jino komakit ko nan Hospital in ekaal. Ilo jiban ko jen Asian Development Bank koba RMI im US goernment emaron tobrak jerbal in eto komane jen jet iio remotlok. Good luck Bobby Muller kin lolorjake ko am nan armij in Kwajalein. Jejola kwojela!
Majuro Online
Juon ian dri Tarinae in America jen WW II eo emoj an lelok an abonono bwe en bojrak Dri Japan ro rej ae dri ilo Marshall Islands jen kar bata eo kein ka ruo an lal in. Emoj an jake manlok kajjitok in nan Collin Powell, Secretary eo an State ilo U.S...
Majuro Online
Kio ejino lab mejen lal ko ilo belak in Pacific in kin an naj bojrak bij eo ilo Johnston Island im ekoman an inebata kio jarko im rej ekeke kin wa ko im rej kejerbal ruo engine ilo balun ko waer. Einwot kio rejino lemnake Majuro Atoll ijo im edene ebake Hawaii nan an wa ko refuel ilo ien ekeke aetok ko aer. Emaron naj juon in ien emman nan Majuro nan kobudget ne mol ke emaat $$ ilo Majuro.
Majuro Online
Ejimwe bwe ne ejjab private sector eban lon money nan retirement. Ilo aoelp lal ko rellap enanin aolep money ko rej itok jen kadkad ko an private sector ekoba lok kien ilo an tiljek kin tax ko an armij. Ejimwe bwe en emenono jen business ko ako en bar emenono jen interests kane ilo investment ko ilo lal ko ilikin. Bolen elap lok naj nejin jen interests ko jen local tax generations ko.
Majuro Online
En jab maat ia nurse ke remotlok nan USA nan emman eo aer make. Example ej Neinet Connie, Erik Heine, im ebar elon koba Florence Arelong Wallace, rej ita kin jela kein aer. Ke er nurse ako bolen edik woneir. Bar etale mok ta ne ke kio ebol lok wot drilikin ro ilo Hospital. Wakeup Sandy!
Majuro Online:
Ellukun in allikar ke elap an dribelle muri ibben dri Marshall itok wot jen jorren ko rar kommani ilo Bikini Atoll. Elap aer melele kin jorren kein rar kommani ako rej kajjeon wot etao einwot kotanke relukkun in eman mulier ako ebwe aer itok lal tok. Ekkar nan Mr. Nidenthal eo im ej jerbal ibben dri Bikini im ej bar einwot belele leddik in Bikini. Lale version eo ilo belle im ne elon am kakobaba joij im likit ilo Forum eo an Majuro Online.
Majuro Online
 Baron Bigler emoj an resign jen jerbal eo an nan an jibarok man nan an maron kadredrelok an jikul ilo State of Oregon. Emoj an emakit kin bamle eo an ilo jinoin January 2002 nan an jino ilo Spring 2002 semester. Baron ej juon larrik in Majuro, ritotata nejin Mr. and Mrs. Noel im Carmen Bigler jen bukon in Jable ilo Rairok im maron ko an ilo Rita, Delap, Rairok, Ajeltake, Woja, Laura, im Aenkan. Emoj an koba lok ibben leddik eo nejin Mr. Ronnie im Alice Reimers im rej jokwe ilo Rita ilo town eo an Reimers ran. Jeraman Mr. Bigler ilo kottabar ne am!
Majuro Online:
Jen jar wot bwe en tobrak 50/100 ako elonlok iio compact agreement with tremendous amount of money comes into our nation plus all the lost and damages from the nuclear testing for lands, people, natural resources, for example, the 15 years compact or the first phase done by late President Iroijlaplap Amata Kabua ,Carl Ingram and Oscar de Brum gave us the way to new life worth 900 millions. It's almost equal to the value of Highway 3 in Honolulu to Kailua, this highway cost 1 billion or more. Hope the second phase proposals by President Kessai , Gerald and Bobby would be worth more and bring us the total lost from the first phase and total gain from the phase II if it is true that RMI is still play an important role in US interests. (Majuro Online)
Majuro Online:
Kio emaron lon aetwerok kin jerbal in ae dri ko an Dri Japan ro jen Japan ilo Marshall Islands itok wot jen jatiljek ko ekkar jen leo ej jiban jerbal kein Mr. Matt Holly. Men ko jet raikwij in lori ilo kabbok kein ej etale ko kin DNA...im Matt ej ba Dri Japan ro rejjab lori..ekoman an dri kabel ro jet ikkijien ae dri elewetak (Majuro Online)
November 19, 2001
New Hospital in Majuro will be soon build by grants and funding from the Japanese Government.