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    This page is dedicated to late Jimma Selvenios Yostaro Konou and  all the Alabs from Delap Village, Majuro Atoll    

Capitol Building is located in Delap, Majuro Atoll Marshall Islands
Office of the President
Office of the Chief Secretary
All Ministers
Attorney General's Office
Asian Development Consultants
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Nitijela of the Marshall Islands
House of Iroij  

Office of the Auditor General
Auditor General - Mrs. Jean Marie Tonyokwe
Staff - Atimita Jonathan, Karen, Elizabeth.

Marshall Islands Social Security Adminsitration
Administrtor - Ms. Saane Ahu
Health Fund - Ms. Rosebella Lokboj Jekkein
Retirement Fund - Ms. Lellian Andrew
Administration and Staffs

Ministry of Health and Enviornmental
Secretary of Health - Mr. Donald A. Capelle
Department of Public Health
Department of Sanitation
Outer Islands Affairs

Ministry of Education
Secretary's office - Mrs. Biram Stege
Scholarship Office
Delap Elementary School

Ministry of Resources and Development
Secretary Office - Mr. Fred Muller
Agriculture Division
Trade and Industry - Ms. Mandy Ritok

Ministry of Public Work
Secretary Office - Mr. Smith Ysawa
Outer Islands
Road, Building and Ground Recreation

Ta ennan in Delap kan?
March 01, 2002
Naan in Kamolol : Moktata lelok kamolol nan eo ri-komanman kin joij im onake ko an nan kij kajojo. Komro ej kio bok ien in emman im kamolol Iroij ro, Alab ro, Team in ikkure eo, rijerbal ro ilo office eo an Coucil im aolep armij in Delap kap jabrewoet ro im rar letok peier im jiban ilo aolep wawen ko ilo kar rann eo elap an Majuro. Elap amro Iroij im Councilman Isaiah Alee monono in kwalok nan kom bwe jen burukuk ko ami ear koman bwe aolep makitkit im bojak ko an B ukon in Delap en lukkun juon eo ear bolemen im emenin amro lukin utiej im kamolol aolep. Bar juon alen kom emoltata elap jen armro maron ba.

Hon. Isaiah Alee,  Delap
Hon, Bikja B. Lautrok, Delap    (MIJ 21059)

February 08 2002

Back in Action : Joria Capitol, 38 and of Ebeye and Mark Joel from Namdrik, 77 both to received, gains and benefits of Majuro Hospial staff Hemos George's new prothesis making capapility. they are both exercising at the hospital's Physical Therapy department and said they are delighted with their new mobility. Another patient has receive a prothesis and orders for 22 more are in the pipeline according to hospital staff. (Eokwe ebaj jeet lok! Good Sandy! That's it!

At the RMI Capital : Late last month a group from Honolulu visited Majuro and Pohnpei to meet with government Compact negotiatiors to lobby support for keeping benefits for US based Marshallese and Micronesian in the Compact funding agreement now being negotiated. Those went: Mr. Ranet John, Bruno Lat, Mopnique Ocampo, and Ron Fujihoshi.

January 2002

Itaak in Wa kein karuo an 2002 -   Waan ettor ilo ene eo wan 177 Health Plan im ekaal ak jen ba  pick up eo emoj an bar komman juon karok eo ekaal nan mon wia im bilet eo an Mrs. Rosalie Aten Konou ilo Bikinkur weto, Delap iturin wot mon Disco an Kiritu im Harry etan PUB. Wa in ear ettor im driboj lok mon wia in an RAKonou im elap an jorren. Jerraman bwe ejjelok armij ilo ien itaak in im ejjelok en ejorren. Ejjanin allikar won eo ear ettor kin wa in wan 177 im alikar itok jen kadok ke bar ka-iuum in wa.   

News  October 2001

News bajjok ko jet jen ijoko jet

Ekkar nan Lieom Jilala Kabua ej ba unleplep in an bed ilo Honolulu ej nan an boktok larrik ro nejin im ro nejin larrik ro jein bwe ren bukot Jelalokjen ilo school ko ilo Honolulu kin wot aer emman. Koba ibben school kein ej ba ebar emman jikin takto ko ie.
Ekkar nan Laura  Alex jen Delap ej ba eman lok bed USA kin Hospital ko ie im school ko. Emoj an jino lo takto ro im ej bok jiban jen jiban ko an State of Hawaii iumin federal funding ko an dri Amedka.